
The Feldenkrais Method

Moshe FeldenkraisThe Feldenkrais Method® (FM)is based on awareness of knowing how your body actually moves. The goal is to improve your awareness of how you use and sense yourself. Once you perceive the way your body moves through everyday use, you can shift into more efficient, easier movement.  Awareness is the first step of your journey to learn and then re-organize that learning into more efficient movement. Awareness can broaden and deepen not just your physical self but also your whole approach to life.
Many everyday movements are made on “auto-pilot” without awareness until they cause pain. That pain can interfere to the point where your body can no longer perform in the way you want it to. When you thoughtlessly move the way you always have, you can cause damage to joints and restrict mobility. The Feldenkrais Method offers the option of changing how you move into a more efficient, effective and easy way of life.
The Feldenkrais Method® is a system of improving human function through movement. Ordinarily, you learn just enough to function. You learn to use your hands well enough to pick things up and your legs well enough to walk or run. Functioning with greater ease and skill, however, remains to be developed.
The FM ® continues the education that you began as a baby through challenging your brain to relearn existing movement skills. How did you lose those skills? You lost them through long-term habits. As you develop these habits, you often block yourself from doing things in the simplest and most efficient way. 
The Method ® teaches—through movement—how you can improve your ability to function in daily life, whether it’s lifting a child, working at a computer, or training for Bloomsday race. It enables you to rediscover movements that have been forgotten or excluded in your normal way of doing things. By allowing you to learn how your whole body cooperates in any movement, The Method ® assists in living your life more fully, efficiently, and comfortably.
Feldenkrais can help, but it takes time to unlearn a lifetime of old patterns and learn new ones. It can also change your life. Why? Because how you  move is not merely mechanical. If it were, all human beings would move in the same predictable way. Instead, movement is a personal expression of your thoughts, feelings, emotions, beliefs, values, and sense of self. In addition, your movement reflects how you respond to injury, disease, or accident.