
Awareness Though Movement

Classes and Workshops

Awareness Through Movement® (ATM)

Awareness Through MovementThese group classes consist of verbally directed movement sequences that focus on a specific area of the body. This allows you to explore how a particular part moves in relation to your WHOLE body. The lessons begin with comfortable, easy movements that gradually evolve into greater range of motion and difficulty.
ATMs last approximately 40-50 minutes and can be done in a lying, sitting or standing position. Comfort and ease of movement are primary goals in learning what is optimal position for their unique situation. Many sequences are based on infant developments that affect neuro-muscular patterns in the brain.

Functional Integration®  (FI)

Functional IntegrationFI® lessons are a one-on-one session with the practitioner and student. They are a hands-on form of kinesthetic communication. The Feldenkrais® practitioner communicates to the student how they organize their body and hints, through gentle touching and movement, how to move in more expanded functional motor patterns.
A lesson is custom-tailored to the unique configuration of that particular person, at that particular moment. The practitioner conveys the experience of comfort, enjoyment, and ease of movement while the student learns how to reorganize their body and behavior in new and more effective manners.